Top 5 Tips & Tricks for using Paint Rollers

Paint roller is the best tool for painting. It is easy to use, gives efficient results and requires less paint. Here are few pointers to help you understand the painting methods more easily.

  • The most import part of painting is selecting the best tool. You need to really think through this and choice the best tool. There is a wide range of variety of painting tools as per size, character and usage. Opt for a roller, it is easy to use and very flexible. There is no specialize technique to use it, just move the roller up and down the surface and you will get its grip in no time.
  • Before using a painting tool, it is important to clean it well so that if there is any lint it gets off.
  • Define your paint area properly and keep a consistent flow of your roller. Few flows of strokes are straight lines, N or W movement of roller. When you re-dip your roller into the paint try to begin aging by overlapping few inches from the already painted area.
  • Divided the paint area into small portions. This way you can get someone else to help you as well. While painting make sure you keep a good consistent pressure, not too much nor too light, something in between.
  • Before painting clear the area, make space so that you can move easily. Take out extra furniture from the room, cover the floor so that paint does not destroy your room. While painting keep strong hold of your roller so that it does not slip out. It is best to start from top and them move down as you paint.

All you need to do now is just master these tips and you will be a professional in painting your room.